Walk with me

your guide to safety, ease, and joy as mother

  • In the somatic healing world, it’s believed that healing begins with the body. Our body holds wisdom, stories, and trauma. Without creating awareness around our sensations, we cannot release heavy emotion and stagnant energy—i.e., making space in the body for peace and intuitive living.

    In our 1:1 sessions, you will be guided to reconnect with the body and be provided an energetic toolkit to embody the overflowing woman and mother within.

    • those preparing for TOLAC/VBAC

    • those who wish to debrief from their birthing experiences

    • those with birth or womb trauma or chronic pain

    • those who are pregnant and wish to prepare for birth and motherhood

    • those who wish to be seen in their postpartum, to move out of the postpartum fog and into an overflowing motherhood experience

    • you are witnessed, heard, validated in your unique story

    • you are guided through deep somatic and embodiment practices, healing the disconnect from your body and making space for peace and ease

    • you are given tools to continue your healing that are tangible and custom to your life and experience

    • you become the mother you always wanted to be

  • One time session: $177

    Package of 6 sessions: $999 (payment plan available of $333 per month)

Wherever you are at in your journey, us mamas need some rebalancing.

That starts with consistent nervous system regulations, making space for slowness and pleasure. By connecting back with our energetic center, we connect to our true self, our power, our creativity. Our center of love and balance.

Whatever your story may be, I want to provide you with a trauma-informed, healing space. I will guide you through a personalized journey with somatic and embodiment tools, allowing you to return to your power, and carry out your experience from a healed and activated space. You deserve to mother from this place.